Advancing treatments for rare diseases together

August 2024


Florence Porte-Thomé, R&D Director and co-Founder of EspeRare Foundation, was recently interviewed on Objectif Croissance by Vincent Touraine. This insightful discussion, brought to you by MEDIAS FRANCE in partnership with BFM Business, delves into the mission and objectives of EspeRare.

What Sets EspeRare Apart?

Florence sheds light on EspeRare’s patient-centric approach and the 'venture philanthropy' model which drives the Foundation to innovate and push the boundaries of rare disease drug development.

EspeRare's Pioneering Projects

Rimeporide – A drug exhibiting a therapeutic potential in children affected by Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

ER004 – A groundbreaking pre-natal therapy for X-linked Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (XLHED), being developed in partnership with Pierre Fabre Group.

Partnership and Progress

The collaboration with Pierre Fabre Group has been instrumental since 2020, reflecting their unwavering trust and enthusiasm for EspeRare's ambitious goals. The Foundation is also proud to be collaborating with 8 medical institutions across Europe and the US, among which is l'Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades in Paris, France to provide an innovative solution for vulnerable patients.

 Watch the Video!

To learn more about our journey and commitment to transforming lives through science and partnerships: