Advancing treatments for rare diseases together

JNK inhibitor program at SIOP at Lyon from October 23rd to 27th


EspeRare presents recent data on its JNK inhibitor program (ER005) at the 51th Congress of the “Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique” (SIOP)
ER005 is is a first-in-class JNK inhibitor  (c-Jun N-terminal Kinase) that was shown to be safe in humans in other fibrotic diseases. EspeRare is repositionning ER005 for rare oncologic pediatric diseases. At the SIOP, data will be presented on its selective cytotoxicity against rare and pediatric cancers. ER005 is an ideal candidate to be tested in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs.

Repositioning ER005 poster.pdf